Group: Unicode


Character Tabulation with Justification

Ideograph marquis, lord; target in archery CJK 侯

CJK Unified Ideograph-4EE9 仩

Thai Character Lu ฦ

Ideograph bind, tie up; involve, relation CJK 係

Symbol for Cancel ␘

Braille Pattern Dots-125 ⠓

Latin Subscript Small Letter V ᵥ

Ideograph last name, all; together; mutually, a low rank officer to take charge of the bandits in ancient time CJK 㑯

Mathematical Bold Italic Small G 𝒈

Circled Hangul Nieun ㉡

Greek Capital Letter Lamda Λ

Ideograph name of a mountain CJK 㠏

Canadian Syllabics Shwa ᔡ

Closed Mailbox with Lowered Flag 📪

Hangul Jongseong Rieul ᆯ

Greek Capital Letter Eta with Tonos Ή

Latin Small Letter O with Horn and Dot Below ợ

Latin Small Letter J

Samaritan Vowel Sign I ࠪ

Yi Syllable Nryr ꎪ

Ethiopic Syllable Jwa ጇ

Heavy South East Arrow ➘

Sinhala Lith Digit One ෧

Combining Macron-Acute ᷄

Hiragana Letter Yo よ

Myanmar Sign Western Pwo Karen Tone-3 ၫ

Flatbread 🫓

Yi Syllable Suop ꌖ

Roman Numeral Six Ⅵ