About us

This section contains information about who we are and what we do.


WebSymbol is designed to help beginner marketers who want to look for cool symbols and icons on the internet. We respect your curiosity and passion for learning new things, and that’s why even though the app are absolutely free, we’re always striving hard for publishing the symbols as comprehensive as possible without compromising the quality. The cost of running and maintaining this website is covered by the revenue generated through advertisements, but we will always try to keep the number of ads as low as possible.

Help Us to Correct Errors

We care about quality content and are working hard to make this website as relevant, useful and accurate as possible for you, but mistakes do happen. If you find any grammatical error, broken link or any error in the code, we highly appreciate it, if you would inform us.

Please use the link REPORT ERROR at the bottom of every page to send your findings.

Make A Donation

Your financial support means a lot to us. Your donations can help us to concentrate more on the development of the useful resources rather than finding a way to keep this site up and running. All donations will be used for the development and improvements of this site.

You can make donations to our PayPal account. Even a small donation can help.

PayPal Email ID: websymbol.net@gmail.com

Add a Link to Us

If you find this website useful, please add a link to us.

Add a Text Link

To add a simple text link, insert the following HTML code on your site:

<a href=”https://www.websymbol.net/”>Cool Web Symbol</a> – Cool Symbols, Emoji &amp; Fonts.

Add an Image Link

Click the link above to check out our buttons and banners. Copy one of the images to your image folder, and insert the following HTML code to your web page:

<a href=”https://www.websymbol.net/”><img src=”Path” alt=”Visit Web Symbol”></a>

Note: Replace path in src attribute to the original path of the download button or banner.

Thank you.