Group: Unicode


Smiling Cat Face with Open Mouth 😺

Square Watto ㍗

Yi Syllable Muox ꂺ

Rightwards Two-Headed Arrow with Tail ⤖

Greek Capital Letter Epsilon with Psili and Varia Ἒ

Pages 🗐

Cham Digit Eight ꩘

Coptic Capital Letter Old Coptic Hat Ⳕ

Hangul Jongseong Hieuh-Rieul ᇶ

Ethiopic Syllable Ro ሮ

Canadian Syllabics Lwaa ᓨ

Bengali Abbreviation Sign ৽

Lightning Mood 🗲

Downwards Arrow with Small Triangle Arrowhead 🠃

CJK Radical Simplified Yellow ⻩

Ideograph 凲

Two Dot Punctuation ⁚

Ideograph (corrupted form of 嘖) to call out; to make an uproar CJK 㖽

Tagbanwa Letter Ya ᝬ

Georgian Mtavruli Capital Letter In Ი

Yi Syllable Tut ꄰ

Devanagari Vowel Sign Aa ा

Gujarati Vowel Sign Ai ૈ

Mathematical Sans-Serif Bold Italic Capital Gamma 𝞒

Yi Syllable Hmiep ꂗ

Mathematical Italic Capital Phi 𝛷

Ol Chiki Digit Zero ᱐

Yi Syllable Vep ꃳ

Downwards Triangle-Headed Arrow with Heavy Shaft 🠯

Ideograph 㛤