Ideograph to have one’s ambition fulfilled; to be successful in one’s career; (same as 愜) pleasing; satisfying; to gratify or be gratified, undignified; improper CJK 㛍
Malayalam Letter La ല
Katakana Letter O オ
CJK Radical Simplified Wheat ⻨
Clockwise Rightwards and Leftwards Open Circle Arrows with Circled One Overlay 🔂
Coptic Old Nubian Full Stop ⳹
Arabic Letter High Hamza Yeh ٸ
Circled Katakana Mu ㋰
Myanmar Digit Nine ၉
Cuneiform Numeric Sign Nine Shar2 𒐫
Tibetan Letter Tha ཐ
Mathematical Bold Small Beta 𝛃
Hangul Choseong Ssangcieuc ᄍ
Ideograph (non-classical form of 跛) lame; crippled CJK 㝿
Circled Latin Capital Letter N Ⓝ
Ideograph (non-classical form of 孌) (interchangeable 戀) to admire; to remember (old days, etc.), exquisite; fine, to obey; obedient; to comply, (same as 奱) to bind; binding, used in girl’s name CJK 㜻