Group: Unicode


Latin Small Letter a with Circumflex and Acute ấ

Latin Small Letter a with Hook Above ả

Latin Small Letter a with Dot Below ạ

Latin Capital Letter a with Hook Above Ả

Latin Small Letter Long S with High Stroke ẝ

Latin Small Letter a with Right Half Ring ẚ

Latin Small Letter Y with Ring Above ẙ

Latin Small Letter W with Ring Above ẘ

Latin Small Letter H with Line Below ẖ

Latin Small Letter T with Diaeresis ẗ

Adlam Digit Nine 𞥙

Adlam Digit Seven 𞥗

Adlam Digit Eight 𞥘

Adlam Digit Four 𞥔

Adlam Digit Two 𞥒

Latin Small Letter Z with Dot Below ẓ

Latin Capital Letter Z with Dot Below Ẓ

Latin Capital Letter Z with Circumflex Ẑ

Latin Capital Letter Y with Dot Above Ẏ

Latin Small Letter Y with Dot Above ẏ

Mende Kikakui Combining Number Hundred Thousands 𞣕

Mende Kikakui Combining Number Thousands 𞣓

Mende Kikakui Combining Number Tens 𞣑

Latin Small Letter X with Diaeresis ẍ

Mende Kikakui Combining Number Teens 𞣐

Mende Kikakui Digit Nine 𞣏

Mende Kikakui Digit Six 𞣌

Mende Kikakui Digit Three 𞣉

Mende Kikakui Digit Two 𞣈

Mende Kikakui Digit One 𞣇