Group: Unicode


Office Building 🏢

Stadium 🏟

Greek Capital Letter Iota with Psili and Perispomeni Ἶ

Desert 🏜

Classical Building 🏛

Cityscape 🏙

House Buildings 🏘

Beach with Umbrella 🏖

Ice Hockey Stick And Puck 🏒

Field Hockey Stick And Ball 🏑

Racing Car 🏎

Cricket Bat And Ball 🏏

Rugby Football 🏉

Swimmer 🏊

American Football 🏈

Surfer 🏄

Basketball and Hoop 🏀

Tennis Racquet and Ball 🎾

Ski and Ski Boot 🎿

Musical Score 🎼

Musical Keyboard 🎹

Violin 🎻

Guitar 🎸

Saxophone 🎷

Musical Note 🎵

Flower Playing Cards 🎴

Game Die 🎲

Direct Hit 🎯

Greek Capital Letter Iota with Dasia and Varia Ἳ

Performing Arts 🎭