Group: Unicode


Clock Face Two Oclock 🕑

Clock Face One Oclock 🕐

Bowl of Hygieia 🕏

Greek Small Letter Upsilon with Dasia and Oxia ὕ

Synagogue 🕍

Celtic Cross 🕈

Om Symbol 🕉

Symbol for Marks Chapter 🕅

Notched Left Semicircle with Three Dots 🕃

Circled Cross Pommee 🕀

Down-Pointing Small Red Triangle 🔽

Up-Pointing Red Triangle 🔺

White Square Button 🔳

Trident Emblem 🔱

Black Square Button 🔲

Japanese Symbol for Beginner 🔰

Greek Small Letter Upsilon with Dasia and Varia ὓ

Six Pointed Star with Middle Dot 🔯

Microscope 🔬

Telescope 🔭

Pistol 🔫

Wrench 🔧

Input Symbol for Latin Letters 🔤

Input Symbol for Symbols 🔣

Input Symbol for Latin Small Letters 🔡

Input Symbol for Latin Capital Letters 🔠

Greek Small Letter Upsilon with Psili and Varia ὒ

No One Under Eighteen Symbol 🔞

Keycap Ten 🔟

Top with Upwards Arrow Above 🔝