Group: Unicode


Greek Small Letter Upsilon with Dialytika and Varia ῢ

Greek Small Letter Upsilon with Dialytika and Oxia ΰ

Greek Small Letter Upsilon with Macron ῡ

Greek Dasia and Oxia ῞

Greek Small Letter Iota with Dialytika and Perispomeni ῗ

Greek Capital Letter Iota with Vrachy Ῐ

Greek Small Letter Iota with Dialytika and Oxia ΐ

Greek Small Letter Iota with Perispomeni ῖ

Greek Small Letter Iota with Vrachy ῐ

Greek Psili and Perispomeni ῏

Greek Psili and Varia ῍

Greek Small Letter Eta with Perispomeni ῆ

Greek Small Letter Eta with Ypogegrammeni ῃ

Greek Perispomeni ῀

Greek Dialytika and Perispomeni ῁

Greek Koronis ᾽

Greek Capital Letter Alpha with Oxia Ά

Greek Capital Letter Alpha with Prosgegrammeni ᾼ

Greek Capital Letter Alpha with Vrachy Ᾰ

Greek Small Letter Alpha with Oxia and Ypogegrammeni ᾴ

Greek Small Letter Alpha with Ypogegrammeni ᾳ

Greek Small Letter Alpha with Varia and Ypogegrammeni ᾲ

Greek Capital Letter Omega with Dasia and Perispomeni and Prosgegrammeni ᾯ

Teapot 🫖

Fondue 🫕

Tamale 🫔

Olive 🫒

Greek Capital Letter Omega with Dasia and Oxia and Prosgegrammeni ᾭ

Anatomical Heart 🫀

Greek Capital Letter Omega with Psili and Oxia and Prosgegrammeni ᾬ