Group: Unicode


Small Contains with Overbar ⋾

Contains with Vertical Bar At End of Horizontal Stroke ⋻

Small Element of with Overbar ⋷

Contains with Long Horizontal Stroke ⋺

Small Element of with Vertical Bar At End of Horizontal Stroke ⋴

Element of with Overbar ⋶

Element of with Vertical Bar At End of Horizontal Stroke ⋳

Vertical Ellipsis ⋮

Midline Horizontal Ellipsis ⋯

Does Not Contain As Normal Subgroup ⋫

Not Normal Subgroup of or Equal To ⋬

Succeeds But Not Equivalent To ⋩

Not Normal Subgroup Of ⋪

Greater-Than But Not Equivalent To ⋧

Square Original of or Not Equal To ⋥

Not Square Image of or Equal To ⋢

Does Not Precede or Equal ⋠

Does Not Succeed or Equal ⋡

Equal To or Precedes ⋞

Equal To or Succeeds ⋟

Greater-Than Equal To or Less-Than ⋛

Very Much Greater-Than ⋙

Less-Than with Dot ⋖

Very Much Less-Than ⋘

Equal and Parallel To ⋕

Double Intersection ⋒

Double Union ⋓

Curly Logical Or ⋎

Reversed Tilde Equals ⋍

Right Normal Factor Semidirect Product ⋊