Group: Unicode


Ideograph to hand or bow the head; to droop; to lower, low; beneath CJK 㒙

Ideograph (a variant of 儓) a servant CJK 㒗

Ideograph (same as 藕) the root-stock of the lotus; arrowroot CJK 㒖

Ideograph to shake one’s head, ugly, not in peace CJK 㒔

Ideograph (same as 僕) a slave; a servant, used conventionally for oneself, a charioteer CJK 㒒

Ideograph grow up, commodity prices CJK 㒑

Ideograph 㒏

Ideograph 㒐

Ideograph evil, wicked, wrong, foul CJK 㒎

Ideograph (ancient form of 煢) along; desolate; orphaned CJK 㒌

Ideograph loquacious CJK 㒊

Ideograph (same as U+5EDD 廝) a servant; a menial, a woodcutter CJK 㒋

Ideograph dangerous; lofty; steep; high and dangerous CJK 㒈

Ideograph (same as 惝) alarmed; agitated CJK 㒉

Ideograph (same as 歙) to gather the harvest; to gather together CJK 㒆

Ideograph (same as 憮) to skip about; to dance for joy; to soothe, slow, disappointed CJK 㒇

Ideograph brittle and friable, fear; dread; fright; scare CJK 㒄

Ideograph to unbind the collar CJK 㒅

Ideograph (same as 貳) capital form of two, a second job, to harbour doubts; to hesitate, to revolt CJK 㒃

Ideograph (same as 俁) of great stature; stalwart, to injure, to grieve CJK 㒁

Ideograph to bestow; to grant, to act; to do, quiet; still, peace; tranquility CJK 㒂

Ideograph do not fear to CJK 㒀

Ideograph (interchangeable 繇) joy, delight, gratification CJK 㑾

Ideograph long, of space or time, profitable, excelling CJK 㑿

Ideograph (same as 傏) to ward off; to parry; to keep out, as wind, rain, or cold CJK 㑽

Ideograph (a variant of 俊) superior, handsome, refined, eminent CJK 㑺

Ideograph (non-classical of 會) to meet; to assemble, to co-operate, a society; a guild; an association CJK 㑹

Ideograph 㑸

Ideograph (non-classical form of 愾) anger; passion; rage, to sigh; to groan CJK 㑶

Ideograph (same as 態) manner, bearing, behaviour, policy, attitude CJK 㑷