Group: Unicode


Ideograph (same as 絕) to cut short; to break off; to interrupt, to drag; to pull CJK 㔃

Ideograph a kind of tool; a hook; a barb; a sickle CJK 㔁

Ideograph to pare; to pare away; to scrape; to sharpen to a point; to shave; to brush away CJK 㔂

Ideograph 㓿

Ideograph to wound the skin; to cut open; to open out, ripped CJK 㓾

Ideograph (same as 剛) tough; unyielding; inflexible; hard CJK 㓻

Ideograph an incised wound; cuts CJK 㓼

Ideograph (same as 斲) to cut to pieces; to hack; to chop or hew, to carve for ornaments CJK 㓸

Ideograph (same as 銳) a sharp-pointed weapon, acute; zealous; valiant, wound, minor injury CJK 㓹

Ideograph (same as 劓) to cut off the nose; cut off CJK 㓷

Ideograph to cut in two, to slash CJK 㓴

Ideograph (same as 鍔) swords; a double-edged sword CJK 㓵

Ideograph to pare; to cut into slices CJK 㓲

Ideograph (same as 雕) to engrave; to carve; to tattoo CJK 㓮

Ideograph (a variant of 劃) to rive; to divide; to mark; to cut CJK 㓰

Ideograph (same as 刳) to cut open; to rip up; to cut out CJK 㓬

Ideograph (same as U+97A8 鞨) to make ready the leather for shoes CJK 㓭

Ideograph (same as 朗) bright, clear, intelligent, light, brilliant, to understand, to illustrate, to cleanse CJK 㓪

Ideograph (same as 刺) to pierce; to stab; to irritate; to hurt CJK 㓨

Ideograph to deliberate and plan; to arrange CJK 㓦

Ideograph to sink into; to pierce, (ancient form of 割) to cut; to hack; to reap CJK 㓣

Ideograph to strip the skin of the face; an imminent calamity, to engrave; (Cant.) to pierce CJK 㓤

Ideograph to cut the flesh from the bones; to scrape off; to pick out; to get rid of CJK 㓢

Ideograph (same as 弣) the middle part of a bow; the handle of a bow, try to dig and get something with a knife CJK 㓡

Ideograph (same as 玷) a flaw; a defect, to cut with a sword; to chop CJK 㓠

Ideograph (same as 刑) a law, to punish; punishment CJK 㓝

Ideograph (incorrect form of 功) merit; achievement; meritorious, efficacy; good results CJK 㓛

Ideograph a sickle, a reaping-hook, to gather in the harvest, to pare; to scrape CJK 㓚

Ideograph (non-classical of 凶) cruel, unfortunate, sad CJK 㓙

Ideograph bitterly cold, cold wind; the north wind CJK 㓖