Ideograph to shout at, (same as 欸) to backbite, to dislike, sound of oars; the creaking or swishing sound of oars or sweeps in rowing CJK 㖑
Ideograph (interchangeable 吼) to roar of animals, angry tones, (interchangeable 詬) a sense of shame; to shame, to vomit CJK 㖃
Ideograph to gag or bribe; to satisfy one’s appetite; name of an old book; (Cant.) to guess, reckon mentally; to bud CJK 㕲
Ideograph (same as 咬) to bark as a dog, obscene expressions, an interjection; implying surprise CJK 㕭
Ideograph (same as U+5237 刷) a brush, to brush; to clean; to scrub, to print, especially from blocks CJK 㕞