Group: Unicode


Ideograph (standard form) to spit out; to blame, name of an organic compounds CJK 㖖

Ideograph (corrupted form) to shout; to scold with loud voice, din; noise; a confused noise CJK 㖓

Ideograph silly, foolish; doting; idiotic CJK 㖔

Ideograph to shout at, (same as 欸) to backbite, to dislike, sound of oars; the creaking or swishing sound of oars or sweeps in rowing CJK 㖑

Ideograph sound of calling ducks CJK 㖐

Ideograph angry, to scold with loud voice, to slander; to defame CJK 㖏

Ideograph 㖌

Ideograph 㖍

Ideograph 㖋

Ideograph 㖈

Ideograph the lips; (Cant.) to sip CJK 㖇

Ideograph sound of calling chickens, to curse; to swear CJK 㖄

Ideograph (same as 詍) loquacity; to talk incessantly and tediously, to laugh, joy CJK 㖂

Ideograph (interchangeable 吼) to roar of animals, angry tones, (interchangeable 詬) a sense of shame; to shame, to vomit CJK 㖃

Ideograph to refuse, to repel CJK 㕻

Ideograph sound of rolling a boat CJK 㕸

Ideograph a buckler; a shield CJK 㕹

Ideograph (Cant.) an expletive, exclamation CJK 㕶

Ideograph 㕵

Ideograph to gag or bribe; to satisfy one’s appetite; name of an old book; (Cant.) to guess, reckon mentally; to bud CJK 㕲

Ideograph to bark (said of a dog) CJK 㕱

Ideograph to chew; to masticate, to dwell on, Chinese medicine term CJK 㕮

Ideograph (same as 咬) to bark as a dog, obscene expressions, an interjection; implying surprise CJK 㕭

Ideograph birds’ chirps; gabbling, sound in high pitch; to roar; aloud CJK 㕪

Ideograph 㕨

Ideograph used to represent sound; to hum; to groan CJK 㕧

Ideograph 㕥

Ideograph profound significance, just now; then; in that case CJK 㕢

Ideograph a marsh at the foot of the hills, (interchangeable 湢 沇) name of a river CJK 㕣

Ideograph (same as U+5237 刷) a brush, to brush; to clean; to scrub, to print, especially from blocks CJK 㕞