Group: Unicode


Ideograph sound of the ringed pheasant, cackling of fowls, (same as 嗝) to gag, to vomit, (a dialect) an auxiliary verb (almost same as 的) CJK 㗆

Ideograph (non-classical form of 謾) to deceive; to insult CJK 㗄

Ideograph (same as 胡) angry, the throat, what? how? why? which? CJK 㗅

Ideograph (same as 齶) the roof of the mouth, the palate CJK 㗁

Ideograph a sound; a voice; a tone, an interjection; to hesitate; to harbour doubts CJK 㖿

Ideograph (same as 呦 嚘) the bleating of the deer, sound of insects CJK 㗀

Ideograph (same as 咢) to beat a drum; to startle, to argue; to debate; to dispute, (interchangeable 愕) to be surprised; to be amazed; to marvel, (interchangeable 鍔) the blade or edge of a sword, beams of a house CJK 㖾

Ideograph whisper, bad language CJK 㖻

Ideograph (non-classical form of噴) to spurt; to blow out; to puff out, to snort, sound of flowing water CJK 㖹

Ideograph bird singing, (same as 啼) to cry; to mourn; to howl, to twitter; to crow CJK 㖷

Ideograph (same as 噱) to laugh heartily; to roar with laughter, (in Shanghai dialect) a promotional gimmick, tone (of one’s speech) CJK 㖸

Ideograph (same as 捗) to swallow; to gulp, to be choked with food, (same as 諲) respectful; venerable CJK 㖶

Ideograph 㖴

Ideograph 㖳

Ideograph 㖲

Ideograph 㖯

Ideograph an interjection used in poems and songs CJK 㖮

Ideograph (same as 舔) to lick; to taste; (Cant.) even; in addition CJK 㖭

Ideograph sound of surprising, to laugh loudly, to flow off, loquacious, sound; voice; tone CJK 㖪

Ideograph (sound transcription) used in names for minority ethnic group in ancient China CJK 㖫

Ideograph can not see clear, (ancient form of 吻) lips CJK 㖧

Ideograph to spit; to vomit; (Cant.) to gnaw (on bones) CJK 㖥

Ideograph wrath; anger CJK 㖤

Ideograph (same as 飺) to reject food CJK 㖢

Ideograph (same as U+5485 咅) to spit out; (Cant.) the sound of spitting CJK 㖣

Ideograph the birds singing during the night; (Cant.) interjection to indicate the speaker is thinking CJK 㖡

Ideograph (simplified form of 喎) a wry mouth CJK 㖞

Ideograph to deliver over to personally, to communicate orally with one’s own mouth CJK 㖟

Ideograph 㖜

Ideograph 㖙