Group: Unicode


Ideograph 㘮

Ideograph 㘯

Ideograph (same as 坳) a hollow in the ground; a cavity, (same as 物) matter; substance, all living creatures, things in general, the affairs of this world, things or matters outside oneself, others, goods, the Tibetan classical text means Buddha CJK 㘬

Ideograph (same as 坳) a hollow in the ground; a cavity, undulating CJK 㘭

Ideograph to mate; to pair CJK 㘩

Ideograph (same as 序) precedence, order, orderly, the east and west walls of the parlor CJK 㘧

Ideograph deep; profound, empty; hollow, quite; peaceful CJK 㘨

Ideograph (same as 囮) to inveigle; to decoy, a decoy-bird; a go-between; a medium CJK 㘥

Ideograph compasses, (same as U+5713 圓) round; circular CJK 㘣

Ideograph to close; to stop up; to obstruct CJK 㘠

Ideograph (same as 柙) a pen for wild beasts; a cage for prisoners CJK 㘡

Ideograph sound of yelling while towing a boat; (Sanskrit) to call out CJK 㘞

Ideograph 㘟

Ideograph to take in; to absorb, (non-classical form of 罱) a kind of spring fishing net; a kind of small net with a handle used to catch fishes or birds CJK 㘝

Ideograph (non-classical form of 雔) a kind of silkworm, pair of birds; couple; companion; to match, corresponding, proper CJK 㘜

Ideograph angry appearance; to look furious; the roaring of a tiger CJK 㘚

Ideograph to make a disturbance; to quarrel; to wrangle CJK 㘖

Ideograph whisper; to whistle CJK 㘗

Ideograph (non-classical form of 喊) (standard form of 婪) to call; to halloo, covetous; avaricious CJK 㘕

Ideograph to curse, to swear and oath, incantations CJK 㘑

Ideograph 㘒

Ideograph 㘏

Ideograph loud; to roar CJK 㘐

Ideograph (non-classical form of 噱) to laugh without stopping, loud laughter CJK 㘌

Ideograph the abrupt and hasty sound of the crowd CJK 㘊

Ideograph sound; echo, difficult; troublesome CJK 㘋

Ideograph to laugh at; to deride; to jeer at, to snore CJK 㘆

Ideograph 㘇

Ideograph (same as U+929C 銜 U+5563 啣) to hold in the mouth CJK 㘅

Ideograph to call; to scream; to whistle, name of a stream CJK 㘁