Ideograph draw the feet up; to refuse to advance, to summarize; to gather; to collect, name of an old country, (same as U+9350 鍐) a headstall; ornament on a bridle; (Cant.) to jump up CJK 㚇
Ideograph 㚄
Ideograph to worship of God, to praise; many; much CJK 㚅
Ideograph dust; dirt, a cellar, a caverns CJK 㚂
Ideograph to take a hint; a group of Chinese characters the construction of which suggests the meaning, the fate; good luck or bad are in the pot; don’t expose; or leak out CJK 㚃
Ideograph 㙿
Ideograph (same as 嶨) hills with lots of big rocks CJK 㙾
Ideograph (same as 壘) a military wall, a rampart, to pile up, a pile CJK 㙼
Ideograph a damp; a marsh, (interchangeable 夢) CJK 㙹
Ideograph (same as 逵 馗) cross-road; a thorough-fare; a center from which nine roads lead out, to accumulate soil, to store up soil CJK 㙺
Ideograph low-lying area, to accumulate soil; to store up soil CJK 㙷
Ideograph (non-classical form 墣) a clod of earth; a lump of earth; a lump CJK 㙸
Ideograph to conceal; to hide, to shade; to darken CJK 㙴
Ideograph (ancient form of 臺) a lookout, a tower, a terrace, a platform; a stage CJK 㙵
Ideograph (same as 壅) to stop up; to obstruct CJK 㙲
Ideograph name of a place in ancient times CJK 㙰
Ideograph earthenware used to bake cakes in Northern China CJK 㙱
Ideograph 㙭
Ideograph (ancient form of 垠) a bank; a boundary CJK 㙬
Ideograph dark; the sun hidden by clouds, obscure CJK 㙪
Ideograph a fountain or spring out from the underground CJK 㙫
Ideograph an enclosing wall CJK 㙩
Ideograph (same as 罅) a crack in earthenware, a split; rip or break apart; thus — a grudge CJK 㙤
Ideograph to pile a sand-hills CJK 㙣
Ideograph dust; dirt; a smear, (same as 曀) the sun hidden by clouds, obscure CJK 㙠
Ideograph a person’s name in old times CJK 㙛
Ideograph (ancient and corrupted form of U+81FA 臺) a lookout, a tower, a terrace, a platform, a stage CJK 㙜
Ideograph to smear; to daub, to erase; to blot out, mud, mire, to plaster a wall with mud CJK 㙙
Ideograph (same as 塊) a lump of earth; a lump, rugged; uneven CJK 㙗