Group: Unicode


Ideograph 㟡

Ideograph (same as 巷) a lane; an alley CJK 㟟

Ideograph precipitous and lofty; very steep mountains CJK 㟞

Ideograph high and steep; lofty CJK 㟛

Ideograph (loanword from Zhuang) the plain; level ground between rocky mountain, name of county CJK 㟖

Ideograph name of a mountain CJK 㟘

Ideograph 㟕

Ideograph lofty and dangerous, rocks on the mountain side CJK 㟓

Ideograph deep and level ground gully at the foot of a hill CJK 㟋

Ideograph a mountain in today’s Sichuan Province CJK 㟌

Ideograph name of pavilion (garden) in ancient China, name of a mountain CJK 㟉

Ideograph name of a mountain CJK 㟊

Ideograph name of a mountain CJK 㟈

Ideograph name of a mountain CJK 㟆

Ideograph (corrupted form of 司) to have charge of; to preside over, a (governmental) department CJK 㟃

Ideograph name of a mountain CJK 㟄

Ideograph name of a mountain CJK 㟀

Ideograph (same as 岐) name of a mountain in Shanxi province, name of a political district in ancient China, name of a river in Shanxi province, to diverge; to branch CJK 㞿

Ideograph (same as 丞) to respectfully receive, to flatter; to pay court to CJK 㞼

Ideograph mountain; hill CJK 㞽

Ideograph (same as 呡) (simplified form of 歲) a year; age (of a person), harvest CJK 㞸

Ideograph (ancient form of 族) a tribe; a clan; relatives, race (of people), a class; a family (of animals) CJK 㞺

Ideograph luxuriant; lush; flourishing CJK 㞷

Ideograph name of a mountain CJK 㞳

Ideograph name of a mountain, (non-classical form of 岷) the Min River (in Sichuan), Mt. Min (in Sichuan), name of a county (in old China) CJK 㞴

Ideograph name of a mountain, the plain between mountains CJK 㞲

Ideograph dusk; twilight CJK 㞱

Ideograph name of a mountain CJK 㞰

Ideograph name of an island CJK 㞭

Ideograph close or near CJK 㞬