Group: Unicode


Ideograph (same as 崿) a lofty mountain peak CJK 㠋

Ideograph to cover; to put a cover over something, name of a mountain CJK 㠅

Ideograph name of a mountain CJK 㠆

Ideograph 㠃

Ideograph name of a mountain in Yunnan Province CJK 㠄

Ideograph name of a place, lofty; steep, mountain with lots of small rocks CJK 㠂

Ideograph irregular outline of a range of hills CJK 㠁

Ideograph (same as 島) island; isle CJK 㠀

Ideograph high and steep, name of a mountain CJK 㟿

Ideograph mountain top; summit, pointing mountain CJK 㟽

Ideograph name of a place in Shandong Province, mountain with lots of small rocks CJK 㟼

Ideograph mountain top; summit CJK 㟺

Ideograph (non-classical form) name of pavilion (garden) in ancient China, name of a mountain CJK 㟸

Ideograph the appearance of a mountain is lofty and steep and profound CJK 㟹

Ideograph mountain peak; mountain top; summit CJK 㟶

Ideograph a wart; a pustule; a pimple, a round lump CJK 㟷

Ideograph name of a mountain CJK 㟳

Ideograph shape of a mountain CJK 㟱

Ideograph mountain peak; mountain top; summit CJK 㟲

Ideograph name of a mountain; lofty, steep CJK 㟰

Ideograph lofty; high CJK 㟮

Ideograph (same as 岷) the Min River (in Sichuan), Mt. Min (in Sichuan), name of a county (in old China) CJK 㟭

Ideograph a mountain in today’s Shandong Province southwest of Mengyin county CJK 㟬

Ideograph name of a mountain, lofty and steep; high CJK 㟪

Ideograph a fountain in the side of a hill, name of a mountain CJK 㟨

Ideograph name of a mountain CJK 㟦

Ideograph (loan-word from Zhuang) used in place-names in Guangxi for level ground, a plain between mountains CJK 㟤

Ideograph (simplified form of 嵾) uneven; rolling; rough; rugged, name of a mountain (Wudangshan) CJK 㟥

Ideograph 㟣

Ideograph (same as 岡) ridge (of a hill or mountain) CJK 㟠