Group: Unicode


Ideograph first time, for the first time CJK 乍

Ideograph crow, rook, raven; black, dark CJK 乌

Ideograph kwukyel CJK 乊

Ideograph marks preceding phrase as modifier of following phrase; it, him her, them; go to CJK 之

Ideograph interrogative particle; repetition of a tune small; tender CJK 么

Ideograph right conduct, righteousness CJK 义

Ideograph long time (ago); time passage, grow late CJK 乆

Ideograph to depend on, to entrust with CJK 乇

Ideograph long time (ago); time passage, grow late CJK 久

Ideograph govern, control, manage; nurture CJK 乂

Ideograph stretch CJK 乀

Ideograph 乁

Ideograph raise, lift up; recommend CJK 举

Ideograph line; KangXi radical 4 CJK 丿

Ideograph beautiful, magnificent, elegant CJK 丽

Ideograph bowl of food; well CJK 丼

Ideograph cinnabar (native HgS); vermilion (artificial HgS used as pigment) CJK 丹

Ideograph small round object; pellet, pill CJK 丸

Ideograph thick (grass) CJK 丵

Ideograph draw near, approach; descend CJK 临

Ideograph spit, grill; a skewer CJK 丳

Ideograph child’s hairstyle bound in two tufts; ore CJK 丱

Ideograph abundant, lush, bountiful, plenty CJK 丰

Ideograph catch CJK 丮

Ideograph central; center, middle; in the midst of; hit (target); attain CJK 中

Ideograph (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 CJK 丨

Ideograph discard CJK 丢

Ideograph hill; elder; empty; a name CJK 丠

Ideograph assist, aid, rescue CJK 丞

Ideograph discard, reject, lose CJK 丟