Group: Unicode


Ideograph by means of; thereby, therefore; consider as; in order to CJK 以

CJK Unified Ideograph-4EE0 仠

Ideograph together, same; surname CJK 仝

Ideograph to fly CJK 仚

Ideograph rely upon; protector; fight; war, weaponry CJK 仗

Ideograph give, deliver, pay, hand over; entrust CJK 付

Ideograph official; serve government CJK 仕

Ideograph granary; berth; sea CJK 仓

Ideograph (J) non-standard form of 傘 U+5098, umbrella, parasol, parachute CJK 仐

Ideograph Buddha CJK 仏

Ideograph from, by, since, whence, through CJK 从

Ideograph yet, still, as ever; again; keep -ing, continuing CJK 仍

Ideograph forerunner, herald, harbinger; to lie between; sea shell; to wear armor CJK 介

CJK Unified Ideograph-4ECC 仌

Ideograph now, today, modern era CJK 今

Ideograph enemy, hate, hatred, enmity CJK 仇

Ideograph fall forward; lie prostrate, prone; servant CJK 仆

Ideograph hundred million; many CJK 亿

Ideograph death, destroyed; lose, perish CJK 亾

Ideograph radical number 9 CJK 亻

Ideograph man; people; mankind; someone else CJK 人

Ideograph read aloud, recite, chant; droop CJK 亸

Ideograph progress; busy, untiring; exert CJK 亹

Ideograph sincere; real, true; truth CJK 亶

Ideograph upright, honorable, honest CJK 亷

Ideograph slight, insult, treat with disrespect CJK 亵

Ideograph name of district in Anhui; capital of Yin CJK 亳

CJK Unified Ideograph-4EB4 亴

Ideograph to receive; to enjoy CJK 亯

Ideograph capital city CJK 亰