Group: Unicode


Ideograph complete, utmost CJK 侭

Ideograph insult, ridicule, disgrace CJK 侮

Ideograph flattery; glib CJK 侫

Ideograph go-between, broker, proxy CJK 侩

Ideograph be lucky; by chance, by luck CJK 侥

Ideograph 侤

Ideograph load CJK 侢

Ideograph chivalrous person; knight-errant CJK 侠

Ideograph lies CJK 侜

Ideograph rely on, be set in; consent, obey a wish CJK 依

Ideograph 侞

Ideograph fast CJK 侚

Ideograph supply, provide for; offer in worship CJK 供

Ideograph disappointed, forlorn CJK 侘

Ideograph 侙

Ideograph equal CJK 侔

Ideograph 侒

Ideograph small, little, tiny, dwarf CJK 侏

Ideograph quiet CJK 侐

Ideograph to soothe, to pacify; to settle, to establish CJK 侎

Ideograph precedent, example; regulation CJK 例

Ideograph to speak with an accent; big and clumsy CJK 侉

Ideograph come, coming; return, returning CJK 來

Ideograph to give; prepared for included in; embraced in CJK 侅

Ideograph upright and strong; amiable CJK 侃

Ideograph a row or file of dancers CJK 佾

Ideograph aid; help CJK 佽

Ideograph beautiful, handsome, good-looking CJK 佼

Ideograph depend upon; support; go against; (variant deceive) CJK 佹

Ideograph to act contrary to CJK 佷